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Bachelor in Business Studies

The Bachelor in Business Studies (BBS) is a generalist course on the fundamentals of management, digital marketing, economics, law and politics, lasting 3 years, or 6 semesters. Our BBS distinguishes itself from the programs usually offered in Business School by the importance attributed to practical, technical and methodological teachings, including tools for webmarketing, research and information processing, written and oral communication, and computer science. 

Our bachelor’s degree is intended for students in initial training. 


Duration: 3 years
4 specialities
6 semesters
Output level : Equivalent Bac+3
80% of lessons in French
180 ECTS
2 years of core curriculum
20% of lessons in English
Accessible education
Accessible education
for people with disabilities.
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The first two years of BBS

 A «fundamental acquisition» cycle (equivalent bac+1/ bac+2): it is a generalist training in management sciences, economics, law, political science. The first cycle offers, at the same time, methodological lessons (research, selection, information processing, recruitment interview) essential to the construction of a spirit of analysis and synthesis, objective of any higher study, as well as technical courses in economic, political, legal and management sciences aimed at providing a better general understanding of the macroenvironment.

Whatever the professional field and the function envisaged, a framework must be able to understand the stakes and the political, economic, legal, socio-cultural, technological, ecological context.  

But during these first two years, you will also be able to follow concrete modules oriented towards modern professional knowledge. This knowledge is transmitted, within IS-DBA, by speakers from the professional world, who will allow you to acquire dynamic knowledge on digital transformation, legal and organizational strategies of HRM, on the practice of market analysis, while training you in professional tools (languages, statistical and technological tools).


We consider that the beginning of studies must confer technical training adapted to the reality of the skills required by companies. The student will thus be able to develop a precise, concrete and realistic image of the targeted professions very early, even before his specialization, and not a theoretical image based on an academic approach to the modules.

This cycle is a common foundation introducing basic technical and transversal general skills and a first approach to the areas of specialization proposed within IS-DBA to facilitate the choice of a career path by the third year.

Academic program

Through a variety of courses chosen for their accuracy, the student will be able to acquire the knowledge and personality essential to his success. The student will be able to refine his projects in contact with experienced managers and teachers.

Data marketing

Comprendre les architectures data marketing (stack marketing) et le rôle de chaque outil.


Comprendre les algorithmes des réseaux sociaux, savoir utiliser le sponsoring Social Media et créer du contenu vidéo professionnel

Management stratégique

Envisager et mettre en oeuvre les grandes décisions de l'entreprise.

Droit du travail / droit commercial

Comprendre les enjeux juridiques des liens entre les différentes parties prenantes de l'entreprise.

Marketing des produits et services

Comprendre les principaux enjeux et outils du marketing digital.

Management opérationnel

Savoir gérer une équipe, au quotidien et à court et moyen terme.

Optimisation de la visibilité en ligne

Optimiser sa présence professionnelle sur les réseaux sociaux et créer des campagnes pertinentes.

Communication responsable

Savoir communiquer en respectant les grands principes de la RSE.

Digital culture (en anglais)

Maîtriser l'écosystème de l'innovation digitale et gérer un projet orienté start-up... en anglais.

Gestion de projet

Maîtriser les principaux éléments de la gestion de projet : coûts, qualité, délais, et les outils utiles.

Gestion des ressources humaines

Connaître les principes et les différents outils d'un plan d'action RH.

Pratiques et outils de la conception web

Analyser les besoins utilisateurs, élaborer un cahier des charges, maquetter et créer un site web ou mobile.

Stratégies de création d'entreprise

Comprendre les enjeux de la création d'entreprise, anticiper son projet de création.

Business management (en anglais)

Être capable de mener une réunion, de négocier avec des partenaires, de rédiger un email… en anglais pro.

Certification professionnelle - Projet Voltaire

Être capable de mener une réunion, de négocier avec des partenaires, de rédiger un email… en français pro.

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